Here we are, the end of Chapter One. Holy shit.

It’s been an interesting journey. I personally have learned a lot about how to work, how to focus, procrastination and the discipline to keep working when all you want to do is rip out your eyes so you don’t have to look at the abomination your hands just drew!

So what’s next?

I’m still writing Chapter Two (literally right now – I just stopped to write this) so there’s going to be a break of a few weeks.

I don’t want to promise anything at the moment, but mid-November is where I’m aiming.

I have some other Ascent of Magic-related stuff I’m going to post up here on Fridays (or Thursdays, depending where you live.)

I’ve updated the Character Page, and expect this to get quite long with the next chapter. I might need to start killing people. 🙁

So, thanks awesome family, for the support, reassurance, ideas and proof reading.

And thank you, lovely readers! I hope you enjoyed it.